
La Compagnie Batcharte Dantza amène au questionnement de la construction de soi à travers « XILKO »

Société / Art / Culture

The Batcharte Dantza Company through its new creation "XILKO" challenged and brought 150 5th graders from Jean Rostand College to express themselves and question the construction of oneself, of what belongs to us and does not belong to us, of its relationship to the family and its culture, all under a choreography performed by Joana Olasagasti. An intervention as part of an educational project led by Professor Christine Gaulon and financially supported by the DAAC (delegation for artistic education and cultural action). After the show, 2-hour workshops in dance and theater on the theme addressed in the play, deepen this reflection with the students in the company of the director and playwright Fanny Marmayou.